Tuesday, April 22, 2008


Here are some films that have used similar techniques with split screens. The first is called"Timecode", directed by Mike Figgis. This film was shot in a quad split, which was our original plan. This film was shot entirely in real time, with a time code inserted in the middle of the split on the screen
The second film is called "Conversations With Other Women" directed by Hans Canosa, was presented entirely in a split screen..

Change of Plans

Well well well... It has been a while since our last post, and a lot has changed! We began to experiment with the idea of having four screens running simultaneously. Originally, we were going to have one screen be a continuous shot of the drive down 6th street, the other three screens representing the three different neighborhoods off of 6th street that we are focusing on. After compiling and editing all the footage we had together for a test run of what the quad split screen would look like, we collectively decided that we needed more of a story or narrative to drive the film and create more interest. Since we were having trouble getting useful interviews from people in the three neighborhoods, Crystal suggested the idea that we make our own story and be our own actors in the film so that we could have control over the story of the film. So we decided to change gears.
On the surface, our story is about three friends meeting at Antojito's restaurant on 6th street for lunch. Crystal is the only one who knows the exact location (Koreatown), while Mark and James are left to their own devices to find the restaurant. Mark finds himself in a well manicured neighborhood called Hancock Park, with no signs of any kind of restaurant nearby. James, on the other hand, is in Pico-Union, a latino neighborhood that is full of shops and restaurants, but he can't seem to find Antojito's.
We have scaled down to three screens, each one giving the perspective of each member of our film group (James, Mark, and Crystal) in each of the neighborhoods.
On Monday we filmed most of James' part of the film in Pico Union, as well as a scene involving Mark and Crystal, giving each of us our acting debut! We had a some trouble getting the wireless LAV mic to work properly, and to top it off our camera kept trying to eat our tape! Other than that, things went pretty smoothly. It helped that we sat down and did a storyboard a few days before filming, allowing us to stay organized and focused on the exact shots we needed.